Growing up, my parents taught me to say “thank you” and to have good manners. I tried to play the role of a “good son” around people, so that they would praise me and think I was a good son. If I look back now, never once was I *truly* grateful. I just said what needed to be said to get the responses I wanted. I was very cunning.

As I grew up, with a bad attitude and hot temper, I tried desperately to change myself and my habits, but no matter how hard I tried, I would always revert back to that person I grew to hate. Totally enslaved to that way of being. I was gorging myself on self help books, documentaries, sprituality, philosophy, and every kind of religion (even Satanism!).
I saw many common themes, but I could never really put many of them into practice. But the 1 common theme that I never really understood was the simplest of them all.
Be grateful. Every day. For everything.
Videos like the one below actually frustrated me, because I couldn’t be grateful, I just didn’t know how!
How simple! But I always over analyzed the simplicity of this message and wondered:
“What does it even mean to be grateful?! How can I be grateful when I feel so depressed? How can I be grateful that my ex wife has left me? How can I be grateful that I just lost all of my money?”.
It was so frustrating!
I then reached a point where I stopped trying to analyze it and understand it, and just started to put it into practice…. I learnt how to discard all the ideas of negative self in my mind, and my deep rooted habitual minds, which I learnt was the foundation of the mind that I was enslaved to, that there began to be space in my mind to allow gratitude to enter… And by God (literally), I swear from there I have built the tiniest, most transformational, life changing habit I’ve ever built into my life.
- Each morning, I wake up with the words “Be Grateful” on my wall and say “thank you” to the Universe, preparing my mind for a day of gratitude.
- Each day, I do my best to give thanks to everyone and everything, no matter how bad it is (that’s tough, but it’s magic, trust me!)
- Each night, I write a letter to the Universe, giving thanks for all the things that touched my heart throughout the day.
It is exactly as all the spirtual and religious texts suggest – you get closer to the Universe, God, Buddha, Allah, Source, Emptiness, Nature (whatever name). You get closer to *IT*. As I started to change my mind from a mind of expectation, to a mind of gratitude, EVERYTHING in my life changed. I began seeing the lessons in everything – from the biggest to the smallest things! And as I started to embrace those lessons, especially the “hard times”, the real magic happened.
I started to see the Universe which is living, in everything and everyone. That great, loving, eternal existence. A grateful life is a miraculous life, because every day is truly a gift and a blessing. The more grateful I am, the more magic my life is.
Everything I ask for is given. Everything I wish for is granted. My deepest desires are attracted into my life in the most miraculous ways. Every day there are abundant “coincidences” and synchronicities – more than I could ever imagine.
My life has flipped right around. From a life of 99% depression, sadness, anger, resentment, negativity and judgements to a life of 99% fullfillment, happiness, peace, wonder, positivity and connection.
Who knew such a tiny habit, could reap such profound rewards? Gratitude is the real Secret….