To understand the meaning of life, the first step is to understand what death is. Death is like removing your jacket. If a person wears a tiger’s skin, it does not make them a tiger. We all come from the infinite universe emptiness, and when we die, we return to it. So, even though you will wear a human-shaped jacket for your entire life, it does not mean that jacket is the real you. Furthermore, if you believe that your human-shaped jacket is you, then after you die you will disappear forever, never knowing who you truly are. This is ‘death’, the end of existence.

A mayfly has a 24-hour lifespan. From that fly’s point of view, it might think there is much to do in that short timespan, but from a human’s point of view, 24 hours doesn’t mean anything. In the same way, as a human who lives a human’s lifespan, you might think you could achieve many things in your 80-or-so years of life, but what about the point of view of a star? From the standpoint of stars which exist for billions of years, a human’s lifespan is nothing but a grain of sand. So, if death means to be born and live for as long as your body lasts, then just disappear, what is the reason or purpose for this life?
It happens the moment we start to think that this body is “me”. When we appeared into this world from the pure universe emptiness, the true nature of all creations, we became separated from it. We began our life in the mind’s world, and as we live in that world, we think and act differently from the real world. This is the reason why life is difficult. Everything of the world is already one, and once we become one with the world, we can know all the truths of the world. However, we mistakenly think that the world and myself are “two”, and different, and this causes us to create endless questions and have uncertainties about life.
Even if your “jacket” disappears, there is a non-material existence that is forever alive. The reason why we use the word ‘death’ is that we have a perception of ‘life’. But this non-material existence has existed without a beginning or an end, whether its jacket is kept on or taken off. When you return to your original home while you are alive and live as this existence, wouldn’t you also live forever? No matter what the lifespan of the jacket is – whether it’s a mayfly-jacket, a human-jacket, the moon-jacket, or even a star-jacket – when you go back to the origin which is the original birthplace of everything, everything becomes one, and you can live beyond the lifespan of your jacket. This can only be done while you are still alive.
There would be no fear of death, and each day would be happy and enjoyable. Living by knowing exactly where we came from and where we go when we die, that life will be comfortable and free. I will introduce a video where you can find the true answer of life: