If you live today without being distracted around in the past or the future, if you lived today faithfully and did what you had to do today, wouldn’t that be a good life?
My teacher said,
When I look back on my day before going to bed and get the answer, “I did my best,” I have nothing left(have no regret) in my mind.
Success in everyday life becomes a life of success.
Of course, in order to succeed in a day, it is recommended to have at least one day, month, quarter, and year goals.
In order to make a good plan, I must first know myself and what I live for, so that there’s a clear direction of life.

In Korea, they do not say “make a plan” but “build up a plan”. My mind must first be upright before I can put into action. In order for my identity to be clear, all false minds must disappear.
It is meditation that teaches us how to recognize the false mind and how to get rid of it. In a life that tends to proving, receiving recognition, and having more, studying to look inside oneself is going to seem strange and difficult.
Therefore, it should be well guided in the right direction.
How did the countless thoughts I have collected throughout my life become like a mountain and weigh me down? We are screaming at the weight of it, hard to identify it.
Only when you know what it is can you follow how to solve it.
I couldn’t stand up and move forward without knowing who I was or why I was here. As I meditated, I was able to shed all the baggage that had deeply surrounded me and stand as the real me that was revealed beyond that baggage. Having been able to stand up, I am thankful and excited to be able to take a step forward in life.
A lot of people seem to be rapt or crying, or even sitting back. Let’s cleanse our minds and get up where we stopped. Let yourself move on the path you want, and I hope we can smile together if we meet along the way.