It was a few days ago when my friend contacted me and tell me about the difficult feelings he was having.
Someone told me about their troubles or difficulties because I could help them in some way.
The best way for people to give and receive good energy is through words. Though I realized it, I have not fully embodied it yet, so it did not work out right away.
First, I could not understand his mind clearly, but then I pointed out the problem and gave him a solution. It’s hard for me to filter my words, so when I speak I make a lot of mistakes. I listened carefully to what he said and answered, but soon I felt something was off. Oops.

As I became more aware of what he wanted to hear and how he felt, I found the right words to say.
“No matter what you think and worry about, your life will shine brightly to the world.”
“Everyone works hard, but you, who live with true mind, are the best, no matter what you do.“
It came from my true heart. For that friend, it was exactly the right word. And I know he liked those words.
Although he knows what his condition is and what is true, he must have wished to hear something more.
This is actually what I wanted to say to him before. It was my opportunity to say it, but I forgot and said the wrong thing.
I felt his heart open. Then I felt relieved and happy.
It was more like feeling energized. I was thankful to him for letting me say that.
Then I worked for five hours without knowing what time it was.
“I’m not tired at all. What is it?”

By realizing the power of sharing good energy through words, I reflected on what happiness means to me.
When I just thought about it, I couldn’t figure out how to be happy.
Meditation helped me, who only knew myself, break free of the prison of my mind. Because I was able to throw away the false minds inside me.
My consciousness was no longer trapped within this body, and I was able to regain my original mind. It is so beautiful to see the world through that mind. Whether I laugh or cry, there is only happiness.
It comes true only when we act and speak with a heart for other people who are ourselves.