Because I have been able to turn my life around (for the most part!) I definitely feel like a bit of an expert on daily habits and productivity. I am listing my most important habits first.
The number one thing that’s going to impact productivity is your mind, so it has to start there!
1) Meditation – If my mind is full of negativity, self doubts, limiting beliefs, or just in general too busy it’s near impossible to focus and concentrate, let alone become productive. Reflecting and clearing the build up of thoughts is essential for keeping my mind fresh so I can pour my heart into every task.
2) Your diet! – The gut / brain connection is very powerful. There are various studies that link poor diet to anxiety, stress and depression. It’s nearly impossible to be productive in these states of mind. Also, digesting heavy and processed foods consumes a lot of energy which takes energy away from being productive.
3) Planning – I always try to focus on my purpose, and I break down how I’m getting there into 10 year, yearly, quarterly, monthly, weekly and daily priorities and goals. Because each day feeds into my purpose, I’m able to maintain productivity with a natural sense of motivation.
4) Exercise – If I don’t start the day with exercise I find my whole day isn’t aligned. The release of endorphins and the blood flow sets my mind into a good rhythm for the day.
5) Energy management – Peaks and troughs throughout the day are normal. Self awareness and reflection has helped me realise mid afternoon is my low point, so I always go for a walk at that time to refresh my mind. Also, I do the most difficult tasks in the morning when my mind is most fresh.