Meditation Benefits
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A Step-By-Step Roadmap To Truth
What Makes Us Different
As it is the method from Truth to take us Truth, it proceeds simply in common sense. It is the simplicity anyone who has experienced it can testify.
As it is the process to find the true mind that actually exists within you by cleansing the false mind, you can clearly enlighten Truth in each step as much as you cleanse.
The method is systematically and completely constructed by Teacher Woo Myung, so that anyone can reach Truth step by step throughout the process.
As this method is to find Truth which exists within, it equally works for anyone regardless of nationality, cultural background, religion, age, gender, education, etc., if a human being.
As all enlightenments and results come from Truth revealed by cleansing the false mind, it is not temporary but eternal, and at the end, it will bring you eternal life.
Enlightenment and completion, which have only been read and heard from books, are actually achieved through this method practically. With the advent of this method, the era of talking about Truth only by words is over.

Now it's your turn
10 Things You Can Achieve Through This Meditation
- Going to the world without death and living eternally
- Being happy
- Being successful
- Having the capability to achieve your goals
- Being healthy
- Having peace within
- Being free from useless thoughts and truly focusing on the present
- Breaking bad habits
- Always having a grateful mind
- Having successful relationships
Real results from real people
Meditation survey results
Overwhelmingly positive results from meditators after their first three months in our program. 473 members were surveyed.
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