Meditation is the way to change your perspective on life.
When you throw away your karma, habits and body, go back to the origin and are reborn, your perspective on life will change.
In this article I will explain how meditation changed my perspective with examples.
I live in New Zealand in the Southern Hemisphere. In New Zealand there are native people who are referred to as Māori. Māori people have been living here for many hundreds of years.

Before meditation, I had quite a negative view of Māori people. However, I did not know this and I thought my view of the world was the truth.
My view of Māori people was ingrained into me from my family, neighborhood, society I grew up in, and the media (which would usually paint a negative view of Māori people). There were no Māori in my neighborhood nor at my primary school. I also did not have any Māori friends or know any Māori people until High School.
I am white and have ancestry from England, Ireland and Scotland. Through meditation, I have been looking back on my mind and I was startled to find my view of the world is only my own mind, not the actual truth.
Over the last 3 years, I have been working in South Auckland where many Māori live. The region is a lot poorer compared to where I grew up. Working in South Auckland has been a big adjustment for me and I am often the only white guy walking around in the street.
I go to the gym in South Auckland and I have a personal trainer, T. T is a Māori woman and even her name has a meaning: Water
T is super organised, positive minded, and motivates me. She sends out a reminder email the day before our next session and is business minded.
She has completely broken down my concept of Māori people.
She compliments me and tells me I’m doing well😊- even if the weights I’m lifting are 1/3 of the size compared to the other guys in the gym🤣.
Another great Māori person I met is J. He is at the gym too. He has a kind heart and a calm nature. I thought he was Samoan, but he told me he was Māori. And there is also the huge Māori man I see in the elevator in my building. He must be 7 feet. I was intimated by his shape, but he has a kind heart.
Māori people have a spiritual connection with nature, just like Native Americans and the Aboriginal people of Australia.
I hope these people can find their true selves.
Meditation changed my perspective of the world for the better
Without meditation, I would never be able to see these people in this way. As a result, I would never have found peace within. The negative thoughts that pop up when I judge someone do not exist in the world.
Fortunately, the meditation method helps me to discard my horrible mind. When I cleanse away my self-centered thoughts, calmness comes in and I can get along with these people in ways I never imagined.
Please enjoy the video that helps explain how you can change your life for the better.
Kia pai to rā! – Have a good day!