Here is Tom’s day.
Tom is studying. He is preparing exam next week. While studying, all of sudden the movie scene that he saw yesterday popped up in his mind. and after a while, now funny insta peed shared by his friend today came up. He couldn’t concentrate well.
To refresh himself, he cleans up his desk. But it’s almost dinner time, and he’s thinking about what to eat. and eventually, he couldn’t finish his study and he just went out to dinner.
We can see why he couldn’t concentrate.
Because of his thinking. It’s not because he is just lazy or has no will. He has a will. But like him when we keep distracted by our thoughts, we mistakenly think that we feel weak-willed.
Losing concentration is not a matter of your ability, it is a matter of dealing with your thoughts.
When you clean the thoughts you have, your efficiency can improve, and can completely focus well. Until now, we just weren’t sure where obsessive thoughts came from, and we didn’t know how to deal with them.
We are exposed to a lot of information every day, and we absorb it whether we want it or not. Every moment is captured in your mind like a picture. And we couldn’t actively control those minds and we keep thinking about them as slaves like Tom.
Through meditation, you can clear away those thoughts.
While studying, taking minutes to meditate can help to improve your focus a lot. Also clearing your mind even for 30 mins or an hour in the morning can help you start your day with a fresh mind.
You become more intuitive, and creative and can concentrate well. Also, we can recover our true mind within.
When you try to concentrate, but your mind doesn’t listen to you and you lose focus easily, I recommend you clear your mind. if you want to concentrate well, plz refer to below.