That’s really the most simple and basic answer. If you want a permantly calm mind that’s the least effort for most reward.
I’ve tried all the other things – drugs, holidays, moving, being in nature, music, etc – but all of it is temporary.
Activities to compound a calm and peaceful state of mind
- Meditation is step. Again – least effort for most reward
- Eating properly
- Exercising regularly and moving your body
- Doing things you enjoy
- Living your lifes purpose
Keep it simple!
It’s actually not that complicated! If you want a healthy and lean body, what would you need to do? Exercise and diet, right? So if you want a calm and peaceful mind, what do you think you need to work on? Your mind, right?
And don’t say you can’t meditate haha. That’s like being morbidly obese and saying “I can’t exercise”. You’re not supposed to be able to. Find the right method – self reflection, then discarding your false thoughts, feelings, and emotions – and you will absolutely achieve a calm and peaceful state of mind.