You already possess patience which is calm within you. Then why it is hard to be patient? It’s because impatience comes from the subconscious mind one accumulates.
If you cleanse that subconscious mind that makes you impatience, you can be calm and patient.
In the past, one of my habits was when I closed things, such as cupboards, drawers, or doors, I used to slam them involuntarily. Such behavior showed my impatience.
Through meditation, I could realize even this small habit comes from one’s mind. The human mind is consist of lived life and habits inherited from my ancestor. Those minds are embedded subconsciously, they’re reflected in our behavior, gestures, and the way we speak.

With meditation, I looked back at my life carefully. I found that the life I had lived was extremely important to efficiency. Also as I grew up, I learned and absorbed my parents’ impatience. There was a lot of mind. More I reflected on myself, I understood why I was always in a hurry and couldn’t stay calm.
I wasn’t the owner of my mind, but a slave to the mind that I’ve gained throughout my life.
I gradually let go of my mind(my lived life and habit) which makes me impatience. Ex) memories of my impetuous parent, being goal-oriented, anxious moments, being under pressure to achieve, etc.

Now the habit of slamming things has naturally gone. Because the anxiety and impatience I carried over my life have gone a lot. Now, whatever I do I become much more comfortable.
Discarding minds has truly liberated me from chronic impatience and anxiety. I’m really grateful that I can discard my habits and thoughts.
When you empty the subconscious mind(lived life, habits) you can truly change your behavior. You can find calmness within. Because our original state of mind, peace, already exists within you.
Every morning I meditate. It makes me start the day with an energetic and clear mind. I’m sure it works for everyone. If you want to know how to be calm and patient, plz refer to the below.🌱