How did exercise change your life?
When you take off your shoes and do earthing, you too will feel close to nature: the feel of the earth under your feet, the tingling sensation.
When you take off your shoes and do earthing, you too will feel close to nature: the feel of the earth under your feet, the tingling sensation.
There is a saying that the most ordinary things are the most extraordinary. Often, we neglect the actions that we repeat in our daily lives. Humans, we don’t know how to appreciate what exists around us but are drawn to the things we don’t possess.
Anger cannot be resolved by suppressing it. Somehow it shows up. It’s like you can’t stop the smell just by covering the trash bin with the lid.
Arrogance and self-obsession are derived from feelings of inferiority and pride. Deeply within, we feel we are not good enough, and we need to assert ourselves through arrogant behavior.
Over the years, I’ve come to realise that by holding on to those “good moments” in my mind, it always leads to depression because how things are in the present moment are never matched by what I have in my mind world.
Accepting myself as I am brings peace to my mind. And there is a way to let go of myself, so I have been meditating with the guidance of a meditation expert, and I am gradually changing.
Now that I have found my True Self that is eternal, I’m always everyday happy. Happiness is not something that you can keep it for yourself, happiness is to be shared and to share my happiness with others.
We have also been attempting to find the reasons outside, but there is no such answer outside. The answer is 100% within. All the anxieties are within your mind, and you must find the answer or solution within, period.
I realize that I am the one who should accommodate others, not the other way around. Before meditation, I was completely blind to all of this. All I knew was that life was hard and unfair, however that suffering was only a picture in my mind.