What is the best way to reprogram the subconscious mind?
Just like the audience cannot know all the time and the process that it took for that movie to be produced, the subconscious is constantly controlling our life where we can’t see it.
Just like the audience cannot know all the time and the process that it took for that movie to be produced, the subconscious is constantly controlling our life where we can’t see it.
From the national science foundation, people have 60,000 thoughts per day. 80% are negative. 95% are repetitive from the day before. In common sense, if there are so many thoughts, it is easy to lose focus.
I gradually became obsessed with sleep. I tried to sleep whenever I had time, and I woke up in the morning, I was annoyed. This habit gradually hardened, and I solved it by sleeping when I was stressed.
Everyone else seemed to be coping so much better in their lives. For me, a seemingly small thing, like making a mistake or saying something “wrong” or “stupid”, could leave me with anxiety pains for days.
For many years, I had trouble sleeping. I tried several tips to improve my sleep, but they weren’t enough to solve the problem. Finally, I found the cause and the solution that tackles it directly. My search for a solution is over.
The four virtues introduced here compose the mindset and attitude we need in order to live a successful life. But, the fact of the matter is, that these are basic virtues that we also need when we meditate
If a person wears a tiger’s skin, it does not make them a tiger. We all come from the infinite universe emptiness, and when we die, we return to it.
I was able to discover this habit thanks to the meditation of looking back on myself. Let go of the habit of wasting time on meditation. And because I have a desire to change myself, I have the power to change my behavior.
Is true kindness possible? Is it possible to treat others with kindness without expecting anything in return? Yes, if I had to answer these two questions based on my personal experience.